community groups
VLCC Community Groups - Fall 2024
Our Community Groups are a vital part of how we grow together in the faith and build friendships at Victorious Life. Below you can see a list of our current community group offering for worship, study, prayer and fellowship, as well as other types of community groups to meet specific needs and interests.
Please see our calendar page for times and dates or feel free to contact the church office for exact meetings times and places.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery (CR) at Victorious Life
is for anyone who has a hurt, hang-up or habit which blocks them from living a fully surrendered life in Christ. CR offers weekly teaching and support groups, periodic step groups for individual healing work, and supplemental biblical small group studies on topics relevant to the healing/recovery community. CR has resumed in-person meetings weekly, Thursdays at 6:30pm. Follow us on Facebook for updates: Contact: Jennifer Wilks or Pastor Brian Barker,
Edify Meets Friday nights at 7:30 PM at VLCC (downstairs in the fellowship hall). For most Fridays, we have a time of acoustic worship, interactive study of Scripture, prayer, and fellowship. We're a diverse group of young professionals, graduate students, doctorate students, and international students. On the last Friday of every month-—instead of our regular meeting—-we attend Troy Unplugged (also at VLCC). Contact: Tim Stockwell at
His Table Community Meal
His Table Community Meal serves a free community dinner, weekly, in the fellowship hall, (use the Fulton Street entrance) of Victorious Life, Wednesdays 4:00-6:00 pm. Contact: Tim Stockwell or Mark & Chris Strube.
Averill Park Homegroup
Averill Park Homegroup meets once a month on Sundays to worship, encourage, and enjoy fellowship over a pot-luck meal. Meets at various locations. Contact: Pastor Phil or Debbie Smith.
Brunswick House Fellowship
Brunswick House Fellowship meets twice monthly on Sunday evenings, and is studying apologetics using the book Is God a Human Invention? They usually meet at the Fannings' home. Contact: Chris or Paula Fanning
Lansingburgh Fellowship
Lansingburgh Homegroup meets together to enjoy fellowship dinners and discussing scripture or a short Bible video. All are welcome! We meet once or twice a month, September-May, meeting dates are announced in the bulletin. Contact: Pastor Brian or Dena Barker.
Ladies' Fellowship Luncheon
Ladies' Fellowship Luncheon meets once a month on Saturdays for a devotional and fellowship while sharing encouragement and a meal. Contact: Lillian Morin at or Colleen Rhodes at
Men's Breakfast
Men’s Breakfasts start your day with home cooked breakfast, some encouragement and fellowship. Meets at Victorious Life on the first Saturday of each month, 8:30-9:30 am. Contact: Kyle Kreigbaum.
Ladies' Bible Study
Ladies' Bible Study meets once monthly on a Sunday after lunch. We are currently studying Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom by Jen Wilkin (Book not required). Contact: Karen Todd at
Russell Sage InterVarsity
InterVarsity at Russell Sage College: To learn about this semester's meetings on the Sage campus, contact Niki Campbell at
Rensselaer CRU
Cru RPI is a campus ministry at RPI whose mission is to be "a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ." Cru RPI will definitely be meeting this academic year, date and time TBD. For more information and other opportunities through Cru RPI, contact
Rensselaer Christian Association
Rensselaer Christian Association (InterVarsity at RPI): Offers small groups, prayer, and larger group gatherings. To learn about current group meetings and activities on campus, find information on our Discord:
Prayer for the City of Troy
Prayer for the City of Troy is a group of local citizens who meet to pray for City concerns weekly. In person meetings are every Thursday morning 8:00 – 8:30 in Troy City Hall, (Hedley Building, 433 River Street, 5th Floor Conference Room). Contact: Pastor Brian Barker.
New Testament Greek Study Group
New Testament Greek Study Group meets to review Greek lessons studied at home and to work on grammar, vocabulary & translation as well as delve into Greek text topics or questions prompted by sermon passages. Meetings are at church, once bi-monthly on Mondays, 6:00-9:00 pm. Contact: Pastor Bill Gilday
Servant Leaders Breakfast
Servant-Leaders’ Breakfast Group is a mentoring group that meets to discuss aspects of servanthood. Meetings are at Victorious Life on the 2nd Friday of each month for breakfast, 7:00 am. Contact: Pastor Brian Barker.
hudson valley revival Prayer Gathering
Hudson Valley Revival Prayer Gathering is a group of people from different churches meets on Saturdays to pray for revival and spiritual awakening in our region. Meeting times and locations vary, see their website for more information. Contact: Joanne Panettieri at or Jim Ault
First Principles
First Principles this 6-week study meets Sundays 9:00-9:45am at church, next session dates to be announced. This study covers the basics of the Christian faith to help provide a foundation for understanding Scripture. Contact: Pastor Bill Gilday at
Troy unplugged
Troy Unplugged is a monthly community open mic music venue designed to encourage local musicians and song-writers, while also raising support and awareness for area non-profits. Troy Unplugged is held the last Friday of each month at 7:30pm in the church sanctuary. Sign-up is 7-7:30pm. Find us on Facebook and at Contact: Brian Barker